
  • PhD course "Collective Machine Intelligence: Beyond an Agent-Centric View of AI", Computer Science Department, University of Pisa, 2024. Artificial Life module (6 hours).

  • Lab Teacher: Deep Learning, post-graduate Master in Big Data, University of Pisa, 2023

  • Lab Teacher: Deep Learning, post-graduate Master in Big Data, University of Pisa, 2022

  • Teaching assistant: Continual Learning: On Machines that can Learn Continually, University of Pisa, 2021

  • Teacher: Evaluation of Continual Learning algorithms nanolecture, Neuromatch Academy school of Deep Learning, 2021

  • Lab Teacher: Deep Learning, post-graduate Master in Big Data, University of Pisa, 2021

  • Teacher: Machine Learning, Data Science course, tree, 2020

  • Teaching assistant: Computer Programming Laboratory I, University of Pisa, 2020/21

  • Teaching assistant: Smart Applications, University of Pisa, 2019/20

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